Performing thorough background checks can effectively uncover potential issues that could have a negative impact to your business.
Background Check
The business environments demand that employers make compliant, smart and informed hiring decisions. Not only is it important to recruit and hire skilled workers who strengthen their employers’ market presence, but it is equally important that those workers do not become a liability.
This is why at Bowen we provide timely, accurate and cost-effective pre-employment screenings, background checks and drug testing to large and small businesses throughout the country Whether you have a small business, a midsized organization or a Fortune 500 corporation, Bowen offers comprehensive background check services.
Performing thorough background checks can effectively uncover potential issues that could have a negative impact to your business. Most people are unaware that all background checks are not the same.
The type of screening determines the results you receive. Equally important is conducting the wrong check can led to missed results and ill-informed hiring decisions.
In addition to making sure your new candidate does not harm your company’s reputation, we can also verify past employment information.
We check employment records for dates, positions, work place violence, reasons for leaving and whether your applicant is eligible for rehire with previous employers.
This employment verification process confirms information your applicant provided within his or her application and resume.
We go beyond generalized inquiries to include pre-designed questions to uncover past criminal and work ethic behaviors. Multiple attempts are made to give you complete employment records on the person you want to bring into your company.